How can I register on Destiny website
A Registration is simple & free of cost! Just log on to and REGISTER FREE by filling the details in the registration form.
Can someone register on behalf of his/her relative or friend?
Yes. One can register a profile for ‘Self’ as well as on behalf of Son, Daughter, Sibling or a Relative/Friend, but verification documents required like address proof , aadhar card, email id and other relevant details for verification.
Is Email Address required to create a profile?
Yes, you need to enter a valid email address to create a profile. Email address is unique to every Profile and hence cannot be used to create or update another profile.
Can I use same phone number for more than one profile?
Yes. You can choose to keep the same Phone number if you have registered profiles for more than one member in the family. However, the number of active profiles you can keep with the same phone number is restricted to two.
Also, we may mark one of the profiles as duplicate if the number is same. If we do so, we keep notifying you about it on home page and also send an Email informing you about it. In such a case, you may need to contact support and provide justification that the two profiles are different to be able to keep both the profiles live. Please note that if a profile is marked duplicate, it will no longer appear in search results until it is marked non-duplicate after your follow up with the support team.
How soon will my profile be visible in the search list?
All profiles registered on the site undergo a basic screening of content and photographs, post which it is made visible and searchable on the site. This process may take up to 2-3 working days.
How can I upload photos on my profile?
Uploading the photo is recommended but it's not mandatory. We suggest you to upload the photo by below steps:
How can I change my Email address/ Phone number on the profile?
To update your mobile number, kindly follow below steps:
I am unable to verify the Phone number, what should I do?
Please follow the instructions on the Verification page to verify the phone number. Or you could e mail to us.
How can I search profiles of my choice?
We suggest you to use our search option to choose from hundreds of profile. Kindly follow below mention procedure:
How can I set my Partner Preference in the profile?
We suggest you to kindly follow below mentioned procedure to edit your Desired Partner Profile:
Can I filter out or restrict certain people to contact me?
Yes. You can set ‘Filters’ on your criteria so that only relevant people are able to contact you and hence people not meeting your criteria would be filtered out. ‘Filters’ can be set on the My Desired Partner page itself.
What are the benefits of upgrading to Paid membership?
By upgrading the profile to Paid membership, you can:-
How can I upgrade to Paid membership?
Kindly view the UPGRADE section on the profile to view the membership plans and benefits. You may further choose from the multiple methods for payment, with Safe & secure payment gateway for online transactions.
For further assistance, please contact the Helpline number +91 63787 79767 or send mail to
Are there any value added services?
Yes, you can choose from a list of Add-on services that add value to the profile and hence better your visibility and responses on the site. Please click on the UPGRADE section to get more information.
How can I pay for membership with cash?
Kindly visit nearest Axis Bank branch in your city and deposit cash in our bank account. Account details are:
How can I pay for membership with cheque?
Thank you very much for showing interest in Services. In order to make a payment through cheque all you need to do is to write a cheque in favor of "Adhiraj Enterprises A/c no. 914020005796089" and drop it in the nearby Axis Bank drop box.
Inform us the same via e-mail/ phone mentioning the cheque no., cheque amount, branch name, membership subscribed for and the date of deposit. This will take 24 to 48 working hours to activate the services.
Why am I getting very less matches on the site ?
Please try and review your desired partner preference and ensure its not too narrow/restricted
Why am I not getting any mails from
Dear Member,
Thank you for writing to us. To stop mailers/SMS/USSD from lifepartnersdestiny, kindly follow the below mentioned procedure:
How can I get good response on the site?
The number of responses you get will depend on how active you are on the extent to which your profile is complete. Please try to make sure that yor Profile Completion Score is as close to 100% as possible.
You should also make sure that you have filled in the My Desired Partner section appropriately, and the number of Mutual Matches you see based on your 'Desired Partner' setting is at least 100.
How can I get better responses from people I contact?
You can take these steps to get better response to the interests you send:
While finding a profile of your liking, you should also check their own Desired Partner preference. You will find this on their detailed profile page under “Looking for“. System will show in detail, the criteria where preferences match or not. You are suggested to send interests to people with matched criteria for a better response.
Apart from this, you should ensure that you added your photos, written about yourself and your family and that your profile is close to 100% complete. Profiles having more information tend to get better responses.
Does a member’s last online status matter?
Yes. While sending interest to people you like, you should also check their last online status. People who are recently online and understandably more active, are expected to give quicker responses.
I am getting interests from irrelevant profiles. What can I do?
You can set ‘Filters’ on your criteria so that only relevant people are able to contact you and hence people not meeting your criteria would be filtered out. ‘Filters’ can be set on the My Desired Partner page itself. Even if someone not meeting your criteria sends you an interest, all such interests would be sent to separate ‘Filtered Interests’ folder. You may review and accept such profiles at your discretion. Please note that “Filter ON” would mean that the Filters have been set & activated, whereas “Filter OFF” would indicate they are not set by you yet.
I think my profile is not showing up in search lists to other people. What can I do?
Kindly check at your end if you have ended up creating Duplicate (more than one) profiles for yourself. Please note that Duplicate profile creation for any reason is not allowed on the site and system will automatically remove multiple profiles and hence keep only one profile in search.
You should immediately delete such duplicate profiles at your end to have this fixed. In case you need help on this, please write to us at
Can I also set the Privacy setting for my profile visibility on the site?
Yes. You can go to Privacy Settings and set privacy on who all can visit your Profile in the search lists. You should go for the recommended settings where maximum number of people can view your profile.
I have added photographs and content on my profile and am still not getting good responses. Its also not showing on the site?
Profile content and photographs added on the profile undergo a process of screening first. This make take up to a maximum of 2-3 days duration. Please wait for the same to be screened and made live on the site. You may then expect people to see it and respond to you.
How can I delete my Profile on lifepartnersdestiny?
You may have found your match and may wish to delete your profile. Deleting your profile is very simple! Just follow these steps:
How can I temporarily hide my profile?
We understand that you may want to pause your partner search for some time, while not deleting your profile. For this, you can use the 'Hide Profile' option. But please be sure to unhide your profile if you wish to be active again.
If you hide your profile, you will not be shown in new Searches, Daily Recommendations. You will continue to be shown under 'Interests', 'Acceptances' lists, but your prospects will not be able to communicate with you.
Here is how you can hide or unhide your profile:
I am getting irrelevant calls. How can I hide my Phone Number on lifepartnersdestiny?
We understand the need for privacy on your profile. While we recommend that you opt to show your Phone Number for receiving maximum responses, we have provided Privacy Settings against each of your Number (Mobile, Landline and Alternate Mobile).
Here is how you can change your Privacy Settings:
Can I keep a control over who all can visit my profile on the site?
You may change privacy settings on your profile to 'Visible to members who pass my filters' or 'Not visible to anyone'. We strongly recommend you to NOT select 'Not visible to anyone' unless you want to pause your partner search. And even if you have selected the setting, be sure to change it if you wish to be active in your partner search again.
This is how you may access your profile privacy settings:
Can I also hide my Phone number, photograph, etc.?
You can apply Privacy settings on the Phone number, Photograph and Horoscope.
How can I initiate contact with the desired people?
You can send Interest to people you like. If they accept your interest, you would be able to view their contact details, however, you will need to UPGRADE to Paid membership.
Is there any limit to the number of Interests I can send?
There is a limit to the number of Interests one can send in a day/week/month/overall, as a Free or a Paid member.
How can I view the phone number/Email of the prospect?
Premium membership ( Except Basic Plan ) allows you to view phone numbers/emails of desired profiles but its advised to first initiate contact by sending an interest to the concerned party
How can I login and logout from
Please open and click on LOGIN. Please enter the Email ID as the username and the password. In order to Log out or Sign out, please hover the mouse on the photo thumbnail icon at the top right of the homepage, you will find an option to ‘Sign out’ there.
I forgot my Password, how can I reset?
Resetting the Password is an easy process. Please click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page and enter your registered email ID/registered mobile number of lifepartnersdestiny to receive an Email and SMS with the link to reset your password. In case there are multiple profiles with the same mobile number then the system would give the error prompt There are multiple profiles against this phone number, please enter Email Address of account or contact customer care
How can I change the Password?
We suggest you to kindly reset your password by your registered email id. Kindly follow the procedure as mentioned below to create a new password:
Password Security Tips
How can I contact lifepartnersdestiny team?
You may also write to this team at
Why am I not able to change my Gender, Religion, Date of Birth or Marital status?
Gender & Religion cannot be edited on a profile even once. This is so because your existing interactions and matches sent to you and your partner preference will be completely irrelevant. Hence, we request you to delete the current account and create a new one with the correct details.
However, you can edit Date of Birth and Marital Status, but only once. Editing of these details has been restricted to ensure such critical details are not frequently changed by people for misusing the website.
Please note that if there is a significant change in your age or if your marital status changes from 'Married Earlier' category to 'Never Married' or vice-versa, we will remove all your existing interactions (accepts, initiates etc.). In all other cases, your existing Interests (both incoming and outgoing) and acceptances will be notified about the change in your details.
I found my life partner. Now can I use this profile for my family/relative/friend?
No. One profile can only be created and used for one person. In case you have found your match, please delete the profile and create a fresh profile with a different email address.
Do you have any different data base for Exclusive Clients?
We work on the database of profiles registered on Also we have the largest pool of users who are verified by their Aadhar IDs. The database is the same for everybody but we specialise in picking out the best profiles according to your preferences